Good Vibes
Good Vibes Lip Scrub - Coconut (8 gm)
DescriptionTreat your lips with Good Vibes Lip Scrub. All that lipstick trying and pollution makes your tender lips harsh and chapped. Don't worry we have a quick solution for you. Introducing Good Vibes Lip Scrub. Made specially for treating your lips with natural goodness. It exfoliates and nourishes your lips to give you that perfect looking 'glow' you desire. Pout away with healthy lips. This crystally formula exfoliates your skin from deep within and keeps it healthy and radiant. Not a fan of Coconut? Don't worry we have this wonderful lip scrub in other variants
HighlightsSince ages coconuts have been proven best as moisturizers. Thus, Good Vibes decided to infuse it in a lip scrub formulation. This sugar-based lip scrub helps in keeping your lips soft and supple. Good Vibes Coconut Lip Scrub has a unique formula that helps cleanse and moisturize your tender lips making them oh-so-beautiful.