California Gold Nutrition
Calanus Oil, 500 mg, 30 Fish Gelatin Softgels
California Gold Nutrition Calanus® OilFormulated with Arctic Omega-3s from Calanus finmarchicusIncludes EPA, DHA, SDA, and AstaxanthinSupports Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties*Formulated without Gluten, GMOs, or Soy100% Gold GuaranteeCalifornia Gold Nutrition Calanus® Oil contains natural marine oil that delivers important fatty acids and antioxidants. These powerful substances may help protect against oxidative damage and reduce inflammation.*What Is Calanus® Oil?Calanus oil is a lipid created from microscopic aquatic crustaceans known as Calanus finmarchicus. The abundance of this animal species makes calanus oil a more sustainable source of marine oil and omega-3s. In addition to important fatty acids, calanus® oil also contains the antioxidant astaxanthin, which has been known to promote healthy skin aging and cardiovascular support.*California Gold Nutrition Calanus® Oil is formulated with calanus® oil derived from Arctic marine zooplankton. It contains three important omega-3 fatty acids — EPA, DHA, and SDA — as well as astaxanthin, a well-known antioxidant.