Product Details Rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C, G, H), Minerals (Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Sodium, and Copper), amino acids, and high level of antioxidants (flavonoids, phenols)External application on the skin helps it to rejuvenate & glowExternal application also fastens the healing of skin problems like eczema, wounds, rashesRelieves from respiratory infectionsTake 1 Tablespoon full directly or spread on food of your choice. Hungarian Acacia Honey has a mild floral harmonic taste, with hints of vanilla and the aroma of acacia blossoms. Due to the acacia flower's white colour, the honey looks crystal clear with pale yellow colour like liquid glass. The consistency is very light, and it does not leave an aftertaste, so one can have more of it without feeling too heavy. It also crystallizes slower than any other honey type, so it remains in its originally harvested form for 1-2 years.
Product Details Organic Honey is naturally complete with healthful minerals and nutrients.It is good for overall health. Organic India Honey, 250 g Multi Floral
Product Details High in Fibre: Getting enough fibre is important for your overall health. With almost 7 grams of fibre in a 3.5-ounce serving, including Rostaa Tamar Dates in your diet is a great way to increase your fibre intake.Blood sugar control: Rostaa Tamar Dates have the potential to help with blood sugar regulation due to their low glycemic index, fibre and antioxidants. Thus, eating them may benefit diabetes management.Reduce the Rate of Hair Loss: Dates are a very good substitute for many over-the-counter medications that claim to stop hair fall. Dates are extremely rich in iron which makes them extremely beneficial for your hair. The increased iron content in dates ensures that the blood flow remains strong and the scalp gets the nourishment it deserves. Rostaa Tamar Dates, 680 g Unflavoured
Product Details Rich source of Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E, H, PP, and C), Minerals (Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, and Zinc), Antioxidants (polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins), and amino acids.External application on the skin helps it to rejuvenate & glowExternal application also helps in healing skin problems like eczema, burns, rashesEffective against respiratory infectionsPromotes healthy liver function FLONEY® Hungarian Linden Honey sourced from the nectar of Linden or Lime Blossom tree flowers. Historically, people consider this tree "The Tree of Life". Furthermore, aptly so, it lives up to its name in today's world too with its varied health benefits. Its greenish-yellow flowers blossom in late spring to early summer. The aroma of these flowers is so delicious that it can attract bees from a mile away. The light yellow coloured FLONEY® Hungarian Linden Honey, with its fluid consistency, is filled with nutrients that provide many health benefits. Its antibacterial properties are the highest compared to any other honey type. It has a fresh and crisp woody aroma with hints of mint, balsamic and camphor, and a flavourful taste.
Product Details Salted Cashews are naturally rich in both carbohydrates and protein. And our crunchy and deliciously flavoured cashews will help enhance any recipe or can be eaten as it is. These perfectly roasted and salted Rostaa Cashews are apt for a healthy dose of nutrients.This is a Vegetarian ProductRostaa Roasted & Salted Cashews, 35 g Unflavoured
Product Details These Almonds are roasted to perfection making them an instant hit with everyone. Almonds are closest to being the most perfect nut. Harvested at the right time, a handful of Rostaa Almonds must be included in your daily regimen.This is a Vegetarian ProductRostaa Classic Almond, 35 g Unflavoured
Product Details It is rich source of flavanoids; Vitamins and minerals providing complete nourishment to the human body.It helps in digestion of food by providing the necessary nutrients to the intestinal microbes in the gut.It helps improve the immune system and people who suffer from allergies can consume it daily and build up their immune systemNutriwish Quinoa Flour, 0.250 kg Unflavoured
Dr. Morepen Natural & Pure Honey - 250 g, Tulsi Green Tea Combo, 25 Tea Bag(s) Unflavoured
Product Details HONEY - Due to the presence of anti-microbial properties, it helps in body detoxification which cleanses the overall gut & body. It'a filled with glucose which is absorbed by the body quickly to give you an immediate energy boost. Our pure Honey is a major source of increased immunity as it is filled with antioxidants. The phytonutrients present in it contain anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties to keep germs and viruses at bay.TULSI GREEN TEA - Our Tulsi Green Tea acts as an immunity booster that helps in fighting cough & cold. This is packed with antioxidants & acts as an aid to digestive blends. It helps in reducing bad cholesterol levels and it also lowers blood sugar levels and help prevent diabetes. It soothes the nerves, regulates the blood flow, improves immunity and helps reduce the release of stress hormones. This anti-oxidant rich tea keeps your metabolism sound and it detoxifies your body as well as skin. Dr. Morepen Natural & Pure Honey - 250 g, Tulsi Green Tea Combo, 25 Tea Bag(s) Unflavoured
Product Details Onelife Organic Himalayan Kashmiri Honey is collected from the deep valleys of the far north in the mountains of KashmirBesides having a distinct flavour, it is a natural source of carbohydrates that gives instant energyRaw honey enhances immunity and skin health when consumed regularly and has proven health benefits for cough, healthy skin, hair and as a natural immunity booster to help your body fight diseases and is also good for heart healthRaw, unprocessed helps in preserving the enzymes which improve the digestionIt is naturally good for heart health, skin and overall wellbeing OneLife Organic Honey, 250 g Himalayan Kashmiri
Product Details White Chia Seeds are curated for vegans who find it difficult to include proteins into their diet.White Chia Seeds are small, oval-shaped, edible seed known for nutritional value & health benefits.White Chia seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, iron, and calcium. Vanalaya White Chia Seeds, 500 g Unflavoured
Product Details It is rich source of flavanoids; Vitamins and minerals providing complete nourishment to the human body.It helps in digestion of food by providing the necessary nutrients to the intestinal microbes in the gut.It helps improve the immune system and people who suffer from allergies can consume it daily and build up their immune systemNutriwish Honey, 350 g Ginger
Product Details Onelife Organic Ajwain Honey comprises of nectar collected from the flowers of Ajwain herbAjwain Honey is good for treating acidity and indigestion. It being a natural sweetener is ideal for diabetic patientsRaw honey enhances immunity and skin health when consumed regularly and has proven health benefits for cough, healthy skin, hair and as a natural immunity booster to help your body fight diseases and is also good for heart healthRaw, unprocessed helps in preserving the enzymes which improve the digestionIt is naturally good for heart health, skin and overall wellbeing OneLife Organic Honey, 250 g Organic Ajwain
Product Details The tastiest of all the berries, Rostaa Blueberries possess a wonderful flavour and boast of taste unlike any other. These nutrient rich berries can be had as it is or used as the perfect toppings on desserts or as additions to baked items.This is a Vegetarian ProductRostaa Blueberries, 50 g Unflavoured
Product Details Gluten-free chia seedsThese are loaded with antioxidants, nutrients and are high in quality proteinHigh in omega-3 fatty acids By Nature Chia Seeds, 250 g Unflavoured
Product Details Saffola Honey is exactly like how Honey should be - 100% Pure and NaturalNo Added SugarSaffola Honey is rich in antioxidants which helps to boost immunitySaffola Honey is tested using the latest NMR technology to ensure it is free from any adulterationSaffola Honey is a rich source of nutrition for you and your family Saffola Honey, 1 kg Natural
Product Details It is rich source of flavanoids; Vitamins and minerals providing complete nourishment to the human body.It helps in digestion of food by providing the necessary nutrients to the intestinal microbes in the gut.It helps improve the immune system and people who suffer from allergies can consume it daily and build up their immune systemNutriwish Black Chia Seeds, 1 kg Unflavoured
Product Details Larger, softer and sweeter than most dates, Medjool jumbo dates are dark brown in colour and have a rich, full-bodied taste with a lingering aftertaste of caramel.This is a Vegetarian ProductRostaa Medjool Dates, 1 kg Unflavoured
Product Details Ashwagandha is one of the popular ayurvedic herb used as a RasayanaIt improves the reproductive system and increase vigour in men Farm Honey Aswaghandha Honey
Product Details Chia seeds Strengthen your bones and muscles with Calcium-rich Chia SeedsChia Seeds can also be helpful in improving digestion and weight lossChia seeds are low in calories and cholesterol which can help in lowering the blood sugar levels Vanalaya Chia Seeds, 500 g Unflavoured
True Elements Roasted Chia Seeds, 0.125 kg Unflavored
Product Details Extremely rich in dietary fibreKeeps you hydratedGood source of omega-3 fatsConsists of essential amino acids, vitamins and mineralsGood for the digestive system Who said that little things are not powerful? To prove our point, we present to you our little superstars that will cover all your health needs. Chia seeds are native to Mexico, belong to the mint family and are power-packed with nutrients and minerals. They are not only loaded with Omega 3s and minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium but are also quite low in calories, giving them the power to satisfy your hunger pangs and keeping your tummy full for a longer period. True Elements Roasted Chia seeds are a better version of the ordinary chia seeds. They are roasted to perfection. These seeds are also known as Sabja Seeds.Benefits Do you want to lose weight? Have chia seeds: These seeds are a combination of fibre, protein and gelling action, all of which promotes fullness. These can soak a lot of liquid and expand in the stomach, which helps in suppressing appetite, warding off untimely hunger pangs, prevents binge-eating, thereby facilitating weight-loss. Are your blood sugar levels not on track? Add Roasted seeds to your diet: It can help regulate the sugar levels in the blood. They play an important role in insulin regulation and can help decrease an abnormally high level of insulin. - Keep your heart healthy: Unhealthy food can have a very negative effect on your body. It leads to weight gain and heart problems. Presence of minerals such as magnesium can help maintain a healthy heart. It can improve your metabolic health, reduces inflammation and helps improve heart health. - Stay young with age: They are full of antioxidants that are linked with acting against inflammation, the growth of cancer cells, ageing and age-related cognitive decline. They are one of the highest sources of plant-based omega acids, which is essential for the nervous functioning of the body and prevents nervous issues related to age. - Include this seeds in your child’s diet: Stop giving your child processed and unnatural food supplements. Just a couple of spoons of Sabja seeds can make for 30 percent of your daily manganese requirement and 18% of your daily calcium requirement. It is a better way than popping pills. Looking for an energy drink? Try Chia seeds in water or add them to your smoothie: They are loaded with essential nutrients and are suitable to give your daily diet a quick power boost. They can even replace sports drinks as a carb loading for endurance athletes.How to Use They can be consumed as a light and healthy snack. It can be sprinkled over breakfast items like oatmeal, yogurt or cereal or can be blended with juices or breakfast smoothies. It can even be mixed with the batter of desserts like muffins or mousse.
Product Details Saffola Honey is exactly like how Honey should be - 100% Pure and NaturalNo Added SugarSaffola Honey is rich in antioxidants which helps to boost immunitySaffola Honey is tested using the latest NMR technology to ensure it is free from any adulterationSaffola Honey is a rich source of nutrition for you and your family Saffola Honey, 1.5 kg Natural
Product Details Unique antimicrobial compounds - Methylglyoxal, Dihydroxyacetone, LeptosperinAntioxidants - Flavonoids and Phenolic AcidsB vitamins - B6, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acidAmino Acids & Minerals - zinc, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, calciumTake 1 Tablespoon full directly or spread on food of your choice. After years of extensive research and making its way into celebrities' wellness kits, Manuka honey has started gaining popularity among the present's superfoods. Every year white Manuka flowers blossom in the wilderness of New Zealand for a few weeks. That is when honey bees pollinate these Manuka shrubs to produce one of the world's most unique, valuable and sought-after kinds of honey. Aboriginal tribes used this shrub that is native to New Zealand for thousands of years for its medicinal properties. FLONEY® Manuka Honey is rare honey produced by bees in the wild and uncultivated Manuka shrub-clad hillsides of New Zealand. This honey's uniqueness comes from the additional three critical compounds found in this honey compared to regular honey - MGO (Methylglyoxal), DHA (Dihydroxyacetone) Leptosperin. These naturally occurring compounds increase the antibacterial and antimicrobial power of this honey, making it even suitable for medicinal purposes like bandages.
Product Details An edible seed that comes from desert plant Salvia hispanicaPotentially manage various diseases and promote weight lossAdded to smoothies and juices,mixed into yogurt or sprinkled on salad topGood source of dietary fiber & excellent source of omega-3 fatty acidRich in antioxidants, iron and calcium and are highly nutritious Swasth Chia Seed, 0.2 kg Unflavoured
Product Details It is a super food which is a powerhouse of Protein and Fibre100 % Natural Organic QuinoaGluten FreeCould be substituted for most rice dishes Bagrrys 100% Organic Quinoa, 1 kg Unflavoured
Product Details Lemon Honey is all natural organic product prepared by infusing oil extracted from lemon fruits and infusing it with unprocessed honeyLemon is a natural stimulant for the digestive system and it also balances the acidity level in the body Farm Honey Lemon Honey
Product Details Onelife Organic Wild Forest is nectar collected by bees from rare herbs and wild flora found in the core forest areasIt tends to have a stronger, bolder and more distinctive flavour as well as fragranceRaw honey enhances immunity and skin health when consumed regularly and has proven health benefits for cough, healthy skin, hair and as a natural immunity booster to help your body fight diseases and is also good for heart healthRaw, unprocessed helps in preserving the enzymes which improve the digestionIt is naturally good for heart health, skin and overall wellbeing OneLife Organic Honey, 250 g Forest Wild
Rostaa Being Healthy (Healthy Mix), 35 g Unflavoured
Product Details The gourmet Healthy Mix is the finest combination of best quality mixed dry fruits. To ensure the highest standards, each ingredient is sourced directly from farms across the world and made with the best grade jumbo almonds, cahsews, pistachios, walnuts, figs, apricots, cranberries and raisins.This is a Vegetarian ProductRostaa Being Healthy (Healthy Mix), 35 g Unflavoured
True Elements Quinoa Gluten Free, 0.8 kg Unflavoured
Product Details Zero Added Sugar20g Protein per 100g12g Fibre per 100gPromotes healthy skin and hair True Elements Quinoa Gluten Free, 0.8 kg Unflavoured
Product Details Saffola Honey is exactly like how Honey should be - 100% Pure and NaturalNo Added SugarSaffola Honey is rich in antioxidants which helps to boost immunitySaffola Honey is tested using the latest NMR technology to ensure it is free from any adulterationSaffola Honey is a rich source of nutrition for you and your family Saffola Honey, 250 g Natural