Keya Seth
Keya Seth Aromatherapy Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Of the various species of Eucalyptus native to Australia and Tasmania only a small number are grown for their essential oil. During the heat of the summer, Eucalyptus trees appear surrounded by a blue haze as essential oil evaporates from their leaves, releasing antiseptic properties that may help to protect against blight and pests. The term the “blue forests of Australia” originates in this phenomenon. Today, Eucalyptus trees are grown successfully in many sub-tropical countries include Spain, Portugal, India, Zimbabwe, and China.Part of Plant Used: LeavesMethod Of Extraction: Steam DistillationEucalyptus Essential Oil is a strong natural antiseptic that may be effective against a wide range of bacterial and viral infections. It has an overall cooling on the body and is useful in reducing fevers. The oil is clear with a strong camphoraceous smell that makes it a good anti catarrhal and decongestant besides a good insect repellent.Our Eucalyptus Essential Oil is 100% Pure, Organic, Therapeutic & Steam Distilled; It can be used in diffusers and inhaled directly with 4-5 drops in handkerchiefs for freshness and relaxation.Emotional: Uplifting and invigorating; clears and stimulates the mind and helps to prevent drowsiness. Used in inhalations, Vaporizers baths application or massage.Respiratory: Antiseptic and decongestant; helps to fight and prevent colds, flu, throat infection sinusitis, and headaches caused by congestion; eases tight, dry coughs; relieves the breathlessness of asthma and bronchitis by loosening mucus. Used in gargles, inhalation, vaporizers baths, application, or massage.Skin: Cooling and antiseptic; effective in the treatment of bacterial/ fungal dermatitis, boils, pimples head lice, and herpes simplex. Used in compresses or applications.Circulatory: Cleansing and detoxifying, it stimulates and strengthens the kidneys. Used in baths massage or application.Muscular: Anti-inflammatory, reduces swelling and helps to relieve muscular ache and pains rheumatism and arthritis. Can be used in compresses, bath, application, or massageUrinary: Eucalyptus oil also helps to alleviate cystitis, when used in sitz bath.Personal Beauty tips-· Its anti-inflammatory properties will aid in eliminating the pain. Mix one or two drops of the Eucalyptus oil along with a carrier oil like Coconut oil or Argan oil. Rub this solution thoroughly on the painful areas in a circular motion.· Soothing insect bites with the help of Eucalyptus oil is quite simple. Simply dilute 1-2 drops of the Eucalyptus oil to 1 tsp of any carrier oil of your choice & apply it topically.· use your home-made antiseptic wash. All one needs to do to prepare it is - Add a few drops (around 8 to 10) of Eucalyptus Oil to two water cups. Mix it well and store it in a spray bottle. On getting a cut to disinfect the wound with this solution and a clean damp cloth, one could even use fresh cotton balls.· Mix 2-4 drops of eucalyptus oil to one teaspoon of clear, pure aloe-vera gel. Next, transfer it into a two-ounce spray bottle that is filled with purified water. One could spray it on the area of concern or also use it to cool oneself after a hot summer day.· To utilize it for the hair and especially against dandruff, one could add a few drops of Eucalyptus oil (2-4) to one to two tablespoons of Coconut oil and apply it onto the scalp. Allow the product to remain for about 20 minutes before washing away.· Using this oil for hair growth takes about 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus oil and mix it along with any carrier oil, preferably a light oil that would also aid in hair growth would be beneficial. Next, gently apply the oil on the scalp and massage it effectively. With the help of a comb, spread the oil throughout the lengths of the hair evenly. After this, allow the oil to settle for about 30 minutes, following which you can rinse thoroughly with shampooAROMA & PROPERTIES: Eucalyptus, the Australian gumtree, reach an imposing height. Its prevalence to grow in malarial countries helps to drain the land producing a healthier climate. It has a clear sharp and piercing aroma; It has Analgesic, Antirheumatic, Antiviral, Balsamic, Decongestant, Expectorant, Febrifuge, Insecticide, Stimulant, Vermifuge, Vulnerary· BODY: Its Antiviral action works well on the respiratory tract, soothing inflammation, and easing mucus. Good for influenza, throat infections, coughs, asthma. Excellent with infectious illnesses. Reduces the painful effects of migraine and is helpful with scarlet fever dysentery typhoid diphtheria and malaria as well as chickenpox. Effective in all types of fever lowers the temperature and has a cooling and deodorising effect on the body. Said to antidote bites from insects as well as pyorrhoea. Said to antidote bites from insects as well as other venomous creatures.· MIND: Clears the head due to stuffiness from colds and fever. Has a cooling effect on emotions. Also clears the head, aids concentration, and strengthens the nervous system. Eases severe headaches, sinusitis & migraine.· SKIN: Useful for skin eruptions like herpes and good for burns, preventing bacterial growth and subsequent pus formation, aiding the construction of new tissue. Cuts wound ulcers and inflammatory conditions also seem to respond well. Clears congested skin· HAIR: Eucalyptus aids in fighting against dandruff, promoting blood circulation, and eliminating any inflammation or fungal invasion on the scalp, it banks the credibility of promoting significant hair growth. Its soothing and calming effects even reduce stress, which is often stated as one of the common causes of hair loss. It provides the nourishment and constituents needed for healthy hair growth.