Peonies in voluptuous bloom, exquisitely fragile. Flirtatious with the juicy bite of red apple and the opulence of jasmine, rose and gillyflower. Mingling with the sensuality of soft, blush suede. Enriched with coconut oil, Jo Malone Body and Hand Lotion is readily absorbed to instantly hydrate and condition, while its fragrance-diffusing properties help to radiate scent from the skin.
Fragrance Notes:
- Top Note: Red Apple: A crisp note that captures the mouth-watering juiciness of apple, opening the fragrance with an innocent, fruity twist.
- Heart Note: Peony: An exquisite floral with delicate rose and honey accents and a subtle, green freshness. Fills the fragrance with the scent of peonies, just as they unfold.
- Base Note: Suede: A supple textural note, complementing the floral opulence of peony and bringing enticing sensuality to the fragrance.
Country of Origin: Belgium / Canada / Czech Republic / Dominican Republic / France / Germany / Italy / Japan / South Korea / Mexico / North Macedonia / Poland / Switzerland
Generic Name: Skincare
Name of Mfg / Brand: Estee Lauder Companies