Balarishta is an Ayurvedic medicine that uses traditional herbs to ease the pain of joint disorders and related vata problems. Joint problems may hamper a person's ability to perform their daily routine and quality of life by restricting mobility. Ayurveda states that the benefits of Balarishtam include reducing joint inflammation and also increasing joint strength and mobility.
Ayurveda addresses such issues as vata problems and has herbal medications that ease the symptoms of joint disorders. Kerala Ayurveda Balarishta contains traditional herbs that restore the vata balance of the body.
- Ayurvedic tonic that reduces joint inflammation, and increases joint strength and mobility
- Enriched with the goodness of balarishtam and other traditional herbs
- Helps improve digestion, and strength and imparts nourishment to the body
- Eases the symptoms of joint disorders and also helps improve appetite
About the Brand: Kerala Ayurveda Limited is a pioneer in providing holistic healing and wellness solutions - in line with its guiding principle - the 5000-year-old holistic science of Ayurveda. A one-of-its-kind listed Ayurvedic company in India with a rich heritage of over 70 years the company's footprint spans wellness resorts, hospitals, clinics, academies, products and services in India and US.