- Supports Blood Flow to Vital Organs
- Promotes Healthy Sexual Performance
- Maximizes Your Potential!
- Works Tonight!
- Appliednutrition
- With Nitric-Oxide Booster
- Quick-Rush Sexual Energy Activator for Men
- Stimulate Nitric Oxide Product to Support Blood Flow &; Maximum Physical Response
- Dietary Supplement
Support Blood-Flow: Enhance Performance!
Nitric Oxide is a naturally occurring compound in the body that plays a key role in cardiovascular and sexual health. Nitric Oxide is produced in the inner lining of blood vessels and helps to relax and dilate vessels, allowing more blood flow throughout the body. When sufficient Nitric Oxide is present in healthy males, erection occur during the normal course of intimacy.
This unique formula feature L-Citrulline: an amino acid that is readily converted to L-Arginine within the body: L-Arginine can be converted to Nitric Oxide within the body L-Citrulline supports blood flow to vital organs and enhances physical response during sexual activity.
Maximize Your Potential!
Magnum Blood-Flow Sexual Peak Performance® is a revolutionary advancement in sexual performance for men. This innovative product is specially formulated to support blood flow and maximum physical response during sexual activity.
Primary features include:
- Nitric-Oxide Booster
- Sexual Energy Activators
- Male Performance Enhancers
This formula can be taken daily for ongoing maintenance of sexual health or as needed for immediate sexual enhancement.
Applied Nutrition® is committed to developing science-based products that exceed the highest standards for quality and purity. As a leader in innovation, we continuously strive to bring forward new ideas and groundbreaking formulas that enhance health and well-being.