MuscleBlaze Carb Blend, 6.6 lb Mango
Product Details MuscleBlaze Carb Blend 6.6 lb Mango is an instant energy formula that aids in the prevention of energy shortage or 'hitting the wall' conditionFar superior to sugar, the mix of carbohydrates helps to provide a longer-lasting fuel to athletes, marathon runners and weight trainersIt aids in increasing muscle-glycogen recovery post exerciseThe combination of carbohydrates in MuscleBlaze Carb Blend 6.6 lb aids in the prevention of muscle lossTake one scoop of MuscleBlaze Carb Blend with 250 ml of water. Mix it well to create an instant energy drink MuscleBlaze Carb Blend – Active Energy Formula MuscleBlaze Carb Blend is an exclusive formula crafted by Muscleblaze to fuel you with clean carbs to charge-up your training sessions. This blend of carbs flushes new energy in athletes, marathon runners, and weight trainees. Carbs should not be overlooked as they are a very essential macronutrient that shape up health and performance. It is extremely crucial to obtain your daily dose of carbs from clean sources so that they are rightly converted into energy units that keep your body high on energy during heavy-duty workouts. MuscleBlaze Carb Blend comprises multiple sources of carbohydrates that fuel your body enough to keep it high on energy all day long. It is a perfect partner for intense training sessions. 285 Calories per serve MuscleBlaze Carb Blend is a perfect blend of various types of carbs and these carbs are derived from clean sources. So, in a nutshell, you get 285 clean calories per serving with MuscleBlaze Carb Blend that helps you stay energized throughout the workout. Instant Boost of Energy MuscleBlaze Carb Blend Unflavored contains a mixture of different types of carbs- fructose, dextrose, and maltodextrin, that are quickly absorbed by your body and then used as energy. The fast absorption of these carbs establishes that the glycogen levels in your body aren’t entirely drained, preventing the loss of energy in bodybuilders. Supports Recovery When consumed post workout, this carb blend supplement leads to an instant insulin spike. This helps kick-start several functions in the body that lead to new muscle synthesis. The instant supply of quick absorbing carbs also replenishes the glycogen levels in the muscle cells, ensuring that there is faster recovery. From the manufacturer MuscleBlaze - The new way of staying fit MuscleBlaze is a premium sports nutrition brand in India which offers quality supplements to individuals involved in sports and athletics and fitness freaks. There is a wide range of products that offers various benefits and is crafted to cater to a variety of needs of fitness enthusiasts and sportspersons. MuscleBlaze wants to make fitness a lifestyle of people rather than just a passion. To fuel the craze of fitness in people and to support all fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders, MuscleBlaze provides a wide range of products to meet individual bodybuilding needs. FAQs What is MuscleBlaze Carb Blend? MuscleBlaze Carb Blend contains a blend of carbs, such as dextrose, fructose and Maltodextrin. It provides a sustained stream of energy to marathon runners, weight trainers and helps them recover quickly from the workout stress. Since it is absorbed quickly, it keeps the energy level brimming and helps avoid hitting the wall for athletes and runners. What are the benefits of MuscleBlaze Carb Blend? MuscleBlaze Carb Blend is the perfect refuel drink for athletes and sportspersons. The combination of dextrose and fructose provides more fuel than either separately and results in improved exercise performance. Maltodextrin, a long-chain complex carbohydrate is easier for the body to assimilate and provides steady supply of energy, which helps prevent muscle loss How to use MuscleBlaze Carb Blend? You can use MuscleBlaze Carb Blend after a workout or for carb loading. Post Workout Mix 75g (1 scoop) of MuscleBlaze Carb Blend in 250ml of water and drink it immediately after an intense workout to get an insulin spike that starts the healing process within the muscles. The high-glycemic index of dextrose is just perfect for restoring the depleted glycogen stores. Carb Loading: Sports that last longer than 90 minutes, like marathons and bodybuilding events require additional carbs to keep the glycogen level primed before an event. Mix 75g (1 scoop) of MuscleBlaze Carb Blend in 250ml of water. Drink it 2-3 times in a day, starting, 3-4 days before the event.