- 19 Full Spectrum Superfruits &; Berries
- Best Tasting- Probiotics- Antioxidants- Enzymes
- Est. 1998
- Gluten Free
- Raw
- Non-GMO
- Vegan
- Heart Friendly Plant Sterols
- 670 mg/Serving
- High ORAC Source, Oxygen Free-Radical Absorption Capacity
- Dietary Supplement
- No Fillers/Animal Testing or Sugar Added,
- Low Glycemic
Miracle Reds® is a science-based rainbow of 19 superfruit, herbs, extracts, plant sterols, and probiotics that goes beyond any other blend of its kind. Each serving surpasses the raw food nutrition of Five servings of fruits and berries that contain the widest spectrum of antioxidants.
Miracle Reds® is fortified with plant sterols that may help lower cholesterol, and may reduce the risk of heart disease. Hydrating phytonutrients, enzymes, reduce muscle soreness and makes Miracle Reds® the ultimate post-workout recovery formula perfect for active people.
Add a little to your day...add a lot your Life!
†Foods or dietary supplements containing at least 0.4g per serving of plant sterols, taken twice a day with meals for a daily total intake of at least 0.8g, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol. Each serving of Miracle Reds contains 0.67g of plant sterol esters.
MacroMan® is a Macrophage, a specialized cell that defends your immune system.