Our stressful life leads to various metabolic and hormonal imbalances which leads to stress, weight gain and lethargy. The Lipolyzer slimming tea provides theanine (Amino acid) which helps in fat burning process by directly stimulating the production of alpha wave in brain thereby creating a state of deep relaxation and mental alertness like what is achieved through meditation. Lipolyzer herbal slimming tea is a sweet and tasty blend of powerful herbs which helps in weight loss and inch loss.
There are two main mechanisms through which Lipolyzer herbal slimming tea helps in weight loss; first - it helps in reducing water retention in the tissues and second - it may improve the metabolic power of liver to burn more fat. Apart from weight loss Lipolyzer herbal tea has several other benefits. It contains antioxidant which helps protecting our body from harmful toxins, it is anti-inflammatory hence may reduce joint and muscle pain. This easy to prepare Lipolyzer herbal slimming tea can be consumed with both water as well as milk.
- Diet plan with no calorie restriction: A 30 days Diet Plan is provided free of cost along with the product which compulsorily needs to be followed for best results. You need to follow a low carbohydrate diet plan along with Lipolyzer Fat Burning Oil wherein you need to avoid mainly grains and sugar. While following the diet plan there is no restriction on calories, only carbohydrates needs to be restricted.
- Sweet and tasty: NutroActive Herbal Slimming Tea for weight loss is sweet and tasty blend of natural herbs like green tea, licorice, stevia, ginger, rose leaves, caltrops, cardamom which help in weight loss when followed with weight loss diet plan. A diet plan for weight loss is provided with each pack, follow the suggested diet plan for maximum benefit.
- 100% natural: Excess water accumulation in body is one of the main reasons for weight gain. Lipolyzer Herbal Slimming Tea contains natural diuretic ingredients which help your body to excrete excess water through urination. It is one of the weight loss product or slimming products which help you lose weight naturally.
- Enhances body metabolism: Liver is the main site of metabolism; weak liver may cause your metabolism to slow down. Natural ingredient like licorice in Lipolyzer Herbal Slimming Tea help in improving power of liver and enhancing metabolism.
About the Brand: NutroActive is nutritional dietary supplements brand for men, women and children. The company also offers nutraceutical medicines, protein powder, body building supplements and Ayurvedic medicines manufactured under the supervision of highly professional team. The brand's aim is to achieve the desired health goal of customer by providing high quality nutritional supplements with suitable scientific combination of ingredients along with correct diet plan without any side-effect.