- Dietary Supplement
- 100% Pure Salmon Oil
- Omega-3 EPA &; DHA 150 mg
- Purity &; Potency Guaranteed
Wild salmon is a healthier choice than farmed salmon, which has been found to contain high antibiotic, PCB and dioxin levels. A source of omega-3 fatty acids and astaxanthin, wild salmon oil has a naturally occurring ration of EPA to DHA. Wild salmon may be a better environmental choice because salmon farms can pollute coastal waters. The oil is extracted from already harvested salmon, using fish parts that would otherwise be wasted, thereby conserving existing stocks. Rigorously tested for purity, this product is guaranteed to meet or exceed the quality standards set forth by the Canadian government and the Council for Responsible Nutrition for environmental pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides, dioxins, PCBs and other harmful compounds.
Non-GMO: Documentation ✔
Mass Spec: Lab Tested ✔