Made in Nature
Organic Dried Apricots, In The Buff Supersnacks, 6 oz (170 g)
Nothing but ApricotsCertified Gluten FreeUSDA OrganicNon GMO Project VerifiedTree-RipenedUnsulfuredKosherGood Source of PotassiumCertified Organic by QAIBPA Free PackagingApricots Beautifully BronzedWhen nature makes fruit, it does so delicately. Ergo, we don't manhandle our organic Apricots. We let them ripen naturally in the warm Turkish sun. And most importantly, we treat them with care, nor sulfur.Fact is, bright orange highway hazard signs are a lot like bright orange dried apricots: we prefer to avoid them. That blazing hue ain't natural - it means they have been treated with sulfur or artificial color, and if you ask us, messing with nature's palette is baloney. Our apricots are free to just do how they do. They're brown. They're naked. And they look and taste good that way.Nature Unleashed. The same old, same old has never been our style. At Made In Nature, that means, kicking fake food to the curb and going all-out organic in everything we do.