- Makes About 20 Pancakes
- Micro-Pancakery
- Just-Add-Water
- Caveman Approved
- Grain Free
- Gluten Free
- No Added Sugar
- With Almonds, Coconut, Cassava, Eggs &; Monk Fruit
- Low Glycemic
- Dairy Free
- Certified Gluten-Free
- Certified Paleo
- Kosher
- BPA Free
Wild ingredients from around the globe make these the best pancakes a modern caveperson can have. We did the hunting and gathering for you. Enjoy!
Why paleo? Before the culture of agriculture, our ancestors thrived on the earth's natural bounty. Return to mother nature's kitchen and discover the power of paleo with Birch Benders!
What is Birch Bending?
Birch bending, like pancake making, is a great American tradition. Birches are slender yet supple trees that will bend down and return you to the ground when you climb them, like a fishing pole under the weight of a catch. As a young boy in Maine, our founder Matt spent his summers bending birches. Years later, he would carry that same playful spirit to his love of pancake-making, and eventually, to the brand he hoped to share with the world. After all, as Robert Frost said in his poem "Birches" "One could do worse than be a swinger of birches."