Floney Acacia Honey, 250 g Unflavoured
Product Details Rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C, G, H), Minerals (Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Sodium, and Copper), amino acids, and high level of antioxidants (flavonoids, phenols)External application on the skin helps it to rejuvenate & glowExternal application also fastens the healing of skin problems like eczema, wounds, rashesRelieves from respiratory infectionsTake 1 Tablespoon full directly or spread on food of your choice. Hungarian Acacia Honey has a mild floral harmonic taste, with hints of vanilla and the aroma of acacia blossoms. Due to the acacia flower's white colour, the honey looks crystal clear with pale yellow colour like liquid glass. The consistency is very light, and it does not leave an aftertaste, so one can have more of it without feeling too heavy. It also crystallizes slower than any other honey type, so it remains in its originally harvested form for 1-2 years.