- Over 99% Accurate From the Day You Expect Your Period*
- Extra Wide Tip for Easy Sampling
- Can Tell You 6 Days Sooner Than Your Missed Period¹
- Provides Early Detection of the Pregnancy Hormone
- Results in 3-5 Minutes
- 2 Lines - Pregnant
- 1 Line - Not Pregnant
Easy to Read
After 3 minutes your result will be shown; two lines for 'Pregnant', one line for 'Not Pregnant'.
(II) Pregnant
(I) Not Pregnant
Early testing
¹Provides early detection of the pregnancy hormone. You can use the test 6 days before your missed period (5 days before you expect your period). In clinical testing with early pregnancy samples Clearblue® gave the following results:
Days before the expected period | Pregnancies detected |
- 1 | >99% |
- 2 | 98% |
- 3 | 98% |
- 4 | 94% |
- 5 | 71% |
If you test early and get a 'not pregnant' result, there's still a chance you may be pregnant as the amount of pregnancy hormone increases rapidly in early pregnancy. See insert.
*>99% accurate at detecting typical pregnancy hormone levels. Note that hormone levels vary. See Insert.
¹See side of panel