- Get Pregnant Sooner!††
- Predicts Your 2 Most Fertile Days
- 8 Tests
- Over 99% Accurate*
This kit contains 7 First Response™ Ovulation Test sticks, 1 First Response™ Early Results Pregnancy Test stick and instructions (in English and Spanish).
Resolve and First Response™ are working together to help build your family†.
Why test for LH surge? Your two most fertile days begin with the LH surge. Therefore, you are most likely to become pregnant if you have intercourse within 24-36 hours after you detect your LH surge.
LH Surge. The presence of two similar pink lines means you have detected your LH surge. The test line may be darker than the reference line.
No LH Surge. The presence of one line, or two line with the test line lighter than the reference line, indicates that you have not yet reached your LH surge.
Things to know about testing early...Some pregnant women may not have detectable amounts of the pregnancy hormone in their urine on the day they use the test. The amount of pregnancy hormone increases as pregnancy progresses. In laboratory testing, First Response™ Early Result Pregnancy Test detected the pregnancy hormone levels in 76% of pregnant women 5 days before their expected period, in 96% of pregnant women 4 days before their expected period, in >99% of pregnant women 3 days before their expected period, in >99% of pregnant women 2 days before their expected period, in >99% of pregnant women 1 day before their expected period and in >99% of pregnant women on the day of their expected period.
*For early result pregnancy test: From the day of your expected period, over 99% accurate at detecting typical pregnancy hormone levels. Note that hormone levels vary. See insert.
*For ovulation tests: Over 99% accurate in detecting the LH surge in laboratory studies.
**First response™ Early Result Pregnancy Test detects the pregnancy hormone 6 days sooner than the day of your missed period (5 days before day of expected period).
†Resolve does not endorse specific products and brands.
††Sooner than without ovulation testing when directions are followed.