- 99% Accurate at Detecting LH Surge¹
- Find Your 2 Peak Days
- Identify Your 2 Most Fertile Days
- #1 OB-GYN Recommended Ovulation Brand²
- Detects Luteinizing Hormone
- Easy to Use
- Includes 1 Clearblue® Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test
Trying for a baby?
There are only a few days each cycle when you can conceive. Identifying and having sex on these peak fertility days maximizes your chances of getting pregnant naturally.
1) Know your body
Detects the LH surge which occurs prior to ovulation to identify your peak fertile days.Have sex at any time during the next 48 hours to increase your chances of getting pregnant.
2) Accurate
¹99% accurate at detecting the LH surge. Hormones are a more accurate predictor of ovulation than Basal Body Temperature which only changes after ovulation.
For Clearblue® Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test information see insert.
²Data on file